Reverend William A. Grimes, Jr. was born and raised in Birmingham, Alabama. At the age of 17, he enlisted in the United States Navy where he served faithfully for 23 years retiring with the rank of Chief Petty Officer. Reverend Grimes began his public ministry in September 1996 under the leadership of Reverend Benni Singleton at Pennsylvania Avenue Baptist Church Washington, DC.
Reverend Grimes love and passion for the Word of God is evident through his relevant, and practical teaching of how God so loved the world that He sacrificed His son, Jesus Christ, in order that through Him the world could be restored to a loving covenant relationship with Himself. He is known for his expository and inspiring preaching drawing hearts to fall deeply in love with Jesus and is a regularly invited preacher.
In October 1996 Reverend Grimes was transferred to Puerto Rico for a three-year tour of duty. He continued to develop his preaching and teaching ministry as Assistant Pastor, Cieba Church of the Living God under the leadership of Elder Kenneth Dickerson. During this same tour of duty in Puerto Rico he was licensed as a Church of God in Christ Missionary under the leadership of Elder Elbert Hicks. Continuing his Naval career, he was station in Naples, Italy in November 2002 and at the request of a retiring Navy Chaplain he was appointed Lay Leader of the Full Gospel Chapel Service and licensed for Chapel Ministry through the United Church of Christ Cleveland, OH.
Reverend Grimes holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology with a minor in Christian Counseling and is currently working towards his Master of Divinity. He also holds an Associate Degree in Biblical Studies from Christian World College of Theology Camden, DE Extension.
In December 2007, Reverend Grimes accepted the call to be the Senior Pastor of Solid Rock Baptist Church Dover, DE. Under his leadership the church has experienced tremendous growth and become a beacon of change in the community through various partnerships and outreach programs. In 2015, Reverend Grimes led the church in their first major building project, a 4200 sqft Community Outreach Center. The center serves as a resource center for the community, providing meals for the homeless, after school programs, summer camps, and various community events.
Reverend Grimes resides in Magnolia, Delaware with his wife of 22 years Tirzah, sons Aaron and Kevin.

Solid Rock has served as a beacon of light to the Dover community for over seven decades, directing lost souls to the Cross and offering a place of refuge.
In October 1933, the founders of Solid Rock had a vision for this community of spiritual enrichment for the lives and minds of the people. Each pastor since then has endeavored, with the help of the Holy Spirit, towards the fulfillment of that vision. We have witnessed the faithfulness of God to His word as stated in Gen 17:7, "I will establish my covenant as an everlasting covenant between me and you and your descendants after you for the generations to come, to be your God and the God of your descendants after you."
Today, as then in 1933, God continues to establish His covenant with the generations and families of Solid Rock. Because of the vision of the founders and the work of the faithful Christian laborers, Solid Rock still stands strong by the grace of God.
It is indeed a privilege to be counted among the generals of the faith who labored before ME in bringing to fruition the vision of our founders. I consider it a blessing to serve as a Pastor to such a great body of believers.